Achieve with us …in perpetuity!

The Arc of Chester County established its Legacy Society to recognize individuals and couples who have made provisions in their estate plans to provide a gift to The Arc of Chester County. These gifts enable the organization to continue its educational and critical support services to individuals with disabilities and their families into the future.

Eligible members have made a bequest to The Arc of Chester County in their estate plans; and/or have designated The Arc of Chester County as a beneficiary in whole or part of a trust; life insurance or retirement asset.

Donors can include a gift to The Arc of Chester County in their Will or Trust, establish a bequest or complete the paperwork needed to identify The Arc of Chester County as a designated beneficiary in whole or part of a trust; life Insurance and/or retirement asset.

Donors notify The Arc of Chester County of their plans and provide a copy of the documents verifying their designation. It is not necessary to disclose the amount of the testamentary gift, but it does help The Arc when making planning for the future. Donors can also wish to remain anonymous.

Donors join this special community of generous and loyal members as soon as they make their intent known.

Members of this special group are ensuring the future of The Arc. They are provided with special experiences and recognition opportunities to celebrate each other and the generosity they will provide with their legacy gift.

If you have already made plans or would like to learn more about how to plan for The Arc of Chester County to receive a testamentary gift, please contact the Office of Development at 610-696-8090 Ext. 202. Thank you!