Comprehensive Employment Services (CES)

CES supports transition age youth (14-21 years old) and adults with disabilities to find and maintain employment in their communities. CES also works with businesses to employ, train, and supervise individuals to help them meet their job qualifications.  The Arc’s CES Program provides job seekers with disabilities the support they need in the workforce to successfully overcome social, economic, intellectual, or physical barriers and ensure they reach their full potential. The Arc works hard to dispel stereotypes and misconceptions about hiring employees with disabilities and reinforces the value of an inclusive workforce.

For the Employer - Hiring individuals with disabilities is good for business by:

  • Creating an inclusive work environment         
  • Improving the bottom line
  • Supporting workforce development

The Arc of Chester County works hard to dispel stereotypes and misconceptions about hiring employees with disabilities and reinforces the value of an inclusive workforce. CES assists businesses to fill their job openings and to become more diversified workplaces, at no cost to the employer, by providing the following services:

  • Recruitment and screening of qualified applicants
  • Individualized, on-site training by a professional employment training specialist to meet employer specifications and needs
  • Assessment and follow-up to maintain quality employee performance
  • Assistance and guidance around workplace accommodations
  • Ongoing communication and collaboration to ensure the success and growth
  • Information about Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and educating potential employer prospects on the many advantages of an inclusive employee base.
  • Training employer partners on how best to support and supervise new hires with disabilities.
  • Training and recruitment resources through outreach to attract and educate employers on topics including people first language, tax incentives, and disability awareness
  • Sensitivity training for companies by request

For the Employee

CES helps individuals who have disabilities to find competitive employment in jobs that reflect their interests, skills, and support needs. The Arc strives to empower its participants to become productive and valued members of their communities by providing the following:

  • Pre-employment assessment and counseling
  • Resources to assist with obtaining proper work attire
  • Job-seeking services and interview support
  • Hands-on and on-the-job training to meet employer and employee needs
  • Training and assistance with securing daily transportation
  • Support obtaining benefits information and referrals to benefits counselors
  • Individualized job coaching to ensure success and retention

Individuals entering The Arc’s CES program are matched with an Employment Training Specialist (ETS) who do a comprehensive assessment and identify personal goals.  An individual career plan is then developed by gauging interest and aptitude in certain areas to help secure meaningful and fulfilling employment. The Arc’s ETS provides one-on-one assistance with job searches, application submissions, job interviews, on-the-job training, and ongoing job coaching. Throughout the process, job seekers are taught appropriate behavior in the work force and strategies for becoming a standout employee. ETS’s also provide job seekers with disabilities the support they need in the workforce to successfully overcome social, economic, intellectual, or physical barriers and ensure they reach their full potential.

The CES program fosters personal growth and self-advocacy for jobseekers with disabilities to enjoy the same benefits that are available to typical employees, such as health insurance, employee assistance, and retirement benefits. In addition to these tangible benefits, participants gain a network of natural supports through their co-workers and peers, deepening their involvement in their community. Equal effort is invested in the employer as with the employee since both are dependent on each other for a successful outcome.

For questions or more information about The Arc’s CES program, please contact Shelby Hallman, Director of CES at 610-696-8090 Ext. 262 or by email at